If you are in danger and or homeless please contact a service below that best suits your current circumstance.
Online/National services
24/7 free crisis support chat for Indigenous Australians. Connect to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who will listen to you. No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn.
1800 Respect
A 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
24/7 free crisis support chat for Indigenous Australians. Connect to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who will listen to you. No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn.
1800 Respect
A 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Housing & Crisis Accommodation
Link2home is a single statewide information and referral service to assist homeless people and those at risk of homelessness.
Aboriginal Corporation for Homeless & Rehabilitation Community Services
Telephone help-line service, offering support and referrals for Aboriginal people who are homeless or facing homelessness.
A service that is specific to Aboriginal families, women with children, men with children, single women, single men, and youth who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the Sydney District and The inner West.
Dept of Family & Community Services
Legal support
Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre
A NSW state-wide community legal centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and youth.
Indigenous Women’s Legal Contact Line
Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW.
Legal Aid NSW
Offers free advice to disadvantaged people about legal issues affecting them.
Redfern Legal Centre
Providing free legal advice and casework, deliver community legal education and engage in law reform.
Marrickville Legal Centre
Free and accessible legal and related services to people who experience social and economic disadvantage.
Law Access NSW
LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a legal problem in NSW.
Women's Legal Services NSW
A community legal centre providing women across NSW with a range of free legal services.
Indigenous Women's Legal Contact Line
Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW.
Mob Strong Debt Helpline
Mob Strong Debt Helpline is a free legal advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from anywhere in Australia. The Helpline is open from 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Sexual, domestic and family violence support
Domestic Violence Line
The Domestic Violence Line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline
NSW Rape Crisis Centre
24 hour telephone and online crisis counselling for anyone in NSW who has experienced or is at risk of sexual violence.
Aboriginal Women's & Children's Crisis Service
Full Stop Australia
Offering confidential, trauma specialist counselling for people of all genders who are impacted by violence and abuse.
Macarthur Gateway Resource Service
Macarthur Gateway is a women’s service providing support and case management to women and children who are affected by Domestic and family violence.
Mudgin-Gal Women's Place
Mudgin-Gal meaning ‘Women’s Place’ is an Aboriginal organisation delivering support, referrals and community-based services to Aboriginal women and families in inner city Sydney.
Helping improve the health of LGBTQ+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experienced domestic and family violence by providing a range of resources and support services.
Other support services
Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre
Low-cost and affordable medical, allied and complementary health care and education to improve women’s health.
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
Assistance to people who are the most vulnerable, with a particular focus on those at risk of social isolation, homelessness and domestic violence, mental illness, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and people on low incomes.
Infants Home Child & Family Services
Integrated early childhood education, family day care, early intervention and health services.
Translating & Interpreting Services
Immediate phone interpreting (24 hours, every day of the year).

What is Domestic and Family Violence?
Domestic and Family Violence refers to violence, intimidation and coercion most commonly perpetrated by a current or previous intimate partner (including same-sex partners), but also including violence perpetrated between family members, housemates or adult children. Family relationships include people who are related to one another through blood, marriage or de facto partnerships, adoption and fostering relationships. They include the full range of kinship ties in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, extended family relationships, and constructs of family within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ) communities.
Domestic and Family Violence can involve behaviour that makes you feel scared, involves threats to you or your children. It stops you living the life you want and may force you to do things or act in ways you don’t want to.
It is not always physical, violent behaviour can include:
- Psychological or emotional violence / Cohersive abuse
- Sexual violence
- Financial abuse
- Physical abuse
- Stalking behaviours
- Online abuse
It can happen in any relationship, or environment whether inside or outside of the home. Including with:
- Current or ex partners.
- Parents, guardians, or other family members.
- Community
- Workplaces
- Online